Collections explained
Designers and buyers alike know well that a design collection is made of designs that work together and forms a cohesive and consistent group. Within a collection each pattern stands strong on its own, with one hero pattern and two or more coordinating patterns that accompany the main one. They share a feel, a color palette, some elements but vary in complexity, layout, background color, number of colors, scale, repeating style. Together, they clearly belong and even tell a story. Many factors will determine the number and designs of patterns and it will depend a lot on the client, the final use of the collection and the mood and vibe that the designer wants to convey!
What is Cintamani?
In this example there are 3 patterns from the Cintamani collection. Cintamani is a three-dot symbol assembled in the form of a triangle. Historically, it has been widely used across Asia and the Middle-East. It has intense and varied meanings and is believed to be protective and powerful. It is a fascinating symbol and there is much to read about it and its origins and interpretations across times and regions. It is apparently very simple but rather impressive and it has so much creativity potential too! :)
As a buyer or as a designer do you work in collections? Or in single patterns? Why?
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Designs: from left to right, Cintamani simple, Stellar Cintamani Suns & Sky, Cintamani Geo Flowers from the "Cintamani" Collection
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